Wellness is a priority for ASDA. To help ASDA chapters expand their wellness programming, we’re providing financial support to chapters for their wellness events.


Pictured: Maryland chapter members at 2024 crafting fair.

Purpose of the grant

This grant is intended to help increase member participation at in-person wellness-related activities and programs. This year, we will be able to fund a maximum of 5 chapters up to $500 each.

Applications for the 2024 Chapter Wellness Grant are now open and close on October 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm CST.

Criteria and eligibility

  • Grant applications should be for in-person events that follow all school, city and state safety guidelines. Applications for virtual events will not be considered.
  • Only chapter officers may apply on behalf of their chapter.
  • Grant funding must be used to subsidize a wellness event that takes place no later than July 15, 2024.
  • Grant recipients agree to submit a report by July 21, 2024. Reports must include the number of attendees, detailed use of grant funds, at least two photos that meet and 1-2 student testimonials about the event.
    • Reports will be posted on ASDAnet.org exactly as they are received. 
    • If your chapter(s) is unable to fulfill this commitment, you may be ineligible for future grants.
  • Chapters will be selected based on financial need and clarity of the vision and rationale for the use of the grant funds. Special consideration will be made for applications that highlight community building.
  • Previous recipients may apply. 

Submitting an application

Apply here

Deadlines and Important Dates

  • October 1, 2024: Applications are due.
  • November 2024: Applicant notices will be sent.
  • July 15, 2025: Deadline to hold wellness event.
  • July 21, 2025: Event report and photos due.

Chapter winners must abide by the above deadlines or may be subject to funds revocation.


Contact the Meetings Department.

Congratulations to the 2023 Grant Recipients!

  • Maryland
  • Connecticut
  • East Carolina
  • Tufts
  • San Francisco