Contour is the only news source dedicated to sharing the dental-student narrative and addressing their holistic needs as they prepare to enter the workforce as dental professionals. ASDA members receive Contour 10 times a year, with combined issues in June/July and November/December.

Want to write for Contour magazine? Fill out the author submission form to share your article ideas. You can also share your photography.

Recent Issues


September 2024 – ASDA Across America

In a bit of a departure from our normal content, this issue of Contour spotlights the pathway to dental school of 10 classmates from a variety of ASDA districts across the country. In a welcoming message to our readers, the Contour Editorial Board writes, “It is inspiring to read someone else’s journey and know that you’ve walked a mile in their shoes…As you read through these stories, we hope you will discover someone new and recognize bits of yourself as well.”

The Executive Committee of the Coalition for Modernizing Dental Licensure offers a powerful guest commentary, making the case that it’s time to prohibit patient-based licensure examinations. “Questions regarding the ethics of using patients as part of the dental and dental hygiene licensure examination process have plaqued our professions for decades,” the committee writes. “The CMDL executive committee believes it is time to unequivocally state that patient-based licensure exams must stop.”

Check out the September 2024 issue of Contour!


  August 2024


  June/July 2024


May 2024