Hometown: Fremont, CA

Chapter: University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Graduation Year: 2025

Position Held At Chapter: President


How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
Being in ASDA has been an eye-opening experience, showing me the success, challenges, and responsibilities that come to being a leader. I learned how to step out of my comfort zone as well as how much I can handle as an individual. ASDA pushes me to be proactive in finding resources for our chapter events and make the most out of my leadership experience. In addition, because ASDA is one of the largest student organizations on our campus, I learned how to delegate tasks amongst our large board, committees and even between the UCSF healthcare schools. I had many opportunities to collaborate with administration and learn how things work on a school wide level. It’s amazing to see how much of an impact ASDA has on its community and how students can be a part of its journey.

What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
To me, the most vital quality in a leader is compassion! I believe a leader can help set the tone and relationship in a team. Leading with compassion encourages an environment of understanding, trust, and empathy.

Being in any type of leadership position is already no easy task and comes with responsibilities. In the past, I found it easiest to trust and follow leadership when I saw that their actions/words came from good intentions. Their kindness ended up inspiring me to be a leader in hopes to make an impact on others the same way.

Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
Having been in an ASDA leadership role since the start of D1 year, I can for sure say that each year offered me new challenges and more opportunity for growth as a leader! Whether you’re interested in hosting fun wellness activities for your schoolmates, connecting with vendors/dental companies, or starting an OHI kit drive for your local community, being an ASDA leader allows you to translate your passions into positive changes in your community. Not only that, but ASDA’s network also spans across the entire U.S. Being part of the ASDA family connects you with leaders from other chapters as well as provides the resources that will allow you to make either a chapter, state-wide or national level impact. The best part for me was being surrounded by like-minded, driven individuals! Everyone was caught in the ASDA fever, excited and giving it their all to make our dental school community a warmer, welcoming place. You can’t help but feel the ASDA fever as well!

What future leadership roles in organized denstiry interest you and why?
I’m excited to be involved with my state & local dental societies. I hope to stay up to date regarding changes in dentistry and how I, as a local dentist, can contribute to the field. I can’t wait to connect with other dentists and learn how we can better support our patients and our dental colleagues!