Hometown: Westminster, CA

Chapter: Western University

Graduation Year: 2025

Position Held At Chapter: President


How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
During my undergraduate career, I would have never seen myself as the chapter president of such a large organization. Everything changed after my first conference with ASDA. Here, I met some of the most inspiring leaders and all-around amazing people. Having role models so similar to me pushed me to go outside of my comfort zone to be leaders like them. ASDA has given me so many opportunities that furthered my personal and professional growth. I will forever be thankful for the people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had through ASDA.

What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
To me, being open minded is one of the most valuable qualities to have as a leader. This can mean being open to criticisms or open to suggestions and opportunities. You don’t know what you don’t know, so it’s important to not close yourself off to anything new.

Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
Honestly, everyone should get involved in ASDA leadership. First, ASDA is a huge organization and can connect you with future dentists all around the nation. Networking with other professionals is an important part of any career and ASDA leadership positions easily facilitate this. Second, becoming a great dentist is more than just having good hand skills. A lot of people don’t immediately connect dentistry with leadership, but we are leaders in our offices and communities. So, it is important that we develop the skills used in dentistry that school can’t always teach.

What future leadership roles in organized dentistry interest you and why?
I could see myself pursuing something on the district level. I love that District 11 is a network of all California schools. I am heavily tied to my state and would love to continue my work around here.