Hometown: Birmingham, AL

Chapter: Alabama ASDA

Graduation Year: 2024

Position Held At Chapter: President


How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
ASDA has helped me grow as a leader and build my leadership skills by giving me opportunities to network and learn from leaders from across the country. Whether it be interactive seminars at NLC in Chicago or walking the halls of Congress in Washington, DC, ASDA has provided so many ways to get to know and learn from so many other motivated students and dentists.

What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
I believe that true servant leadership is the most vital quality in a leader. Servant leadership is about recognizing the value of those around oneself and truly seeking their benefit. When practicing servant leadership, you gain joy from others’ successes and are able to reap the benefits of the whole team.

Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
ASDA provides an opportunity for self-actualization through serving the needs of fellow dental students. There are so many creative and exciting ways get involved in ASDA and to let your talents shine. Whether it be wellness, social events, or advocacy, ASDA has a place for you to grow as a leader and leave a positive impact on those around you.

What future leadership roles in organized dentistry interest you and why?
I am certainly intrigued by the legislative/advocacy side of organized dentistry and hope to continue to be involved in Lobby Day as a dentist or even to be a part of the ADA Council on Governmental Affairs or other advocacy-oriented group someday. I think advocacy is vital to a healthy profession, both for patients and providers, and we need to do everything we can to unite and support good policy development and implementation.