Dental Practice Ownership

Resolution 309-2016 — Adopted
James Wanamaker, Chair of the Council on Advocacy, Buffalo
Andrew Naeger, Chair of the Council on Professional Issues, Texas-Houston
Greg Sabino, Editor-in-Chief, Stony Brook
Greg Shank, Chair of the Leadership Development Work Group, Stony Brook
Yeri Guak, Chair of the Council on Membership, Midwestern AZ
Laura Nelson, Chair of the Council on Communications, Texas-Houston
Jordan Janis, Immediate Past ADPAC Student Director, Arizona
Matthew Bridges, Immediate Past Legislative Coordinator Districts 8-9, Oklahoma
Dave Lane, Legislative Coordinator Districts 1-3, Boston
Abby Halpern, Legislative Coordinator Districts 4-5, Georgia
Chris Klekamp, Legislative Coordinator Districts 8-9, Colorado
Matt Stephens, Legislative Coordinator Districts 10-11, Los Angeles
Chelsea Rajagopalan, Council on Professional Issues Associate, Rutgers
Financial Impact

Resolved, that the American Student Dental Association believes patient’s interests are best served when dental practices are owned and controlled by dentists licensed in the jurisdictions where those practices are located; and be it further

Resolved, that the association favors utilizing a dentist-led team approach to ensure that no practice modalities or treatment criteria interfere with the dentist-patient relationship, provider autonomy, and treatment within the standard of care.